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When customers demanded local technical support and refurbishment services, Tractus’ Business Inc.ubator® offered a way to mitigate the risks of a fast-track set-up
Utilizing Tractus’ Tractus’ Business Inc.ubator® services allowed Tolomatic to have on-the-ground customer support immediately while it established a China subsidiary in parallel
Using Tractus’ Business Inc.ubator® services, Tolomatic was able to fit-out and start-up its customer service, refurbishment and fabrication facility in only 2-months from Board approval to proceed.
“Overall performance has been good. Excellent support for business startup questions and China regulatory processes. Setup and startup of our facility has been excellent”. Our success is a direct result of the Tractus team’s oversight and constant counseling”. – from Tolomatic executive’s formal review of Tractus’ services.
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