Tractus Receives the Generosity Award at the Pennsylvania Procurement Expo 2021

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – December 21, 2021. Tractus was awarded the Generosity Award at the Pennsylvania Procurement Expo 2021—Business & Government Working Together event held on 17 November 2021. The Pennsylvania Procurement Expo is an annual event organized by the Department of General Services of the State of Pennsylvania to bring together suppliers of vendors and services with their counterparts at the state and local levels as well as school systems throughout Pennsylvania. The Generosity Award honors professionals who have donated their time and resources to support procurement in the state. Mr. Kenneth Hess, Deputy Secretary for Procurement with the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, noted during his presentation of the award that “generosity can be exemplified in many forms – from donations, discounted rates, volunteering time or resources – and the list goes on.”

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Tractus, and most extensively its team in China, worked tirelessly to support US state governments, such as the state of Pennsylvania, source personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical medical equipment and supplies in Asia. Tractus was already representing many states, helping their Departments of Economic Development promote exports into or attracting investment from Asia. When the pandemic hit, Tractus put our teams to work, sourcing critical PPE and medical devices. Tractus identified and vetted over 600 potential suppliers across Asia and over 300 in China alone when supplies in the US were running low.

Tractus successfully coordinated the on-the-ground sourcing, purchasing and air freight shipments of PPE, thermometers and ventilators to the US and into the hands of US caregivers in Pennsylvania and beyond. Mr. Hess further noted, “Dennis and the Tractus team gave hours and hours of time to assist in sourcing PPE in the Far East. They shared their contacts, their manufacturing expertise, their knowledge of country-specific regulations, logistics, and much, much more. They worked long hours, weekends, and holidays without any complaint and were dutiful about answering our every question and translating documents.”

In accepting the award, Dennis J Meseroll, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Tractus said, “Since starting the company 25 years ago, we have instilled in our team values of hard work and dedication to the success of our clients. If that means working late and on nights and weekends, that’s what we do to get our job done. It is one of our core values.” Mr. Meseroll also noted, “It’s important to mention that we couldn’t have gotten our job done without the support of the Department General Services. Ken Hess and his team understood that they had to adapt their procurement procedures to meet the needs of international sourcing and decisions were made quickly and decisively so we could get things delivered to Pennsylvania on time. It was truly a pleasure to work with such an experienced and professional team of genuinely good people.”

Ms. Soleil Tong, Tractus’ Chief Representative for the State of Pennsylvania in China, noted, “I and the rest of the Tractus team in Shanghai are truly humbled to be nominated for this award. We feel we were just doing our job to support the people of the great State of Pennsylvania during an exceedingly difficult and trying time in everyone’s lives. This award and the knowledge that we were helping the people of Pennsylvania at a time of crisis mean the world to all of us.”

About Tractus

Tractus is a leading foreign direct investment advisory firm focused on assisting companies, government agencies, and multilateral organizations with their trade, investment, and growth strategies. Tractus works to develop the most cost-effective approaches for their clients to establish operations, make acquisitions, and expand or diversify their manufacturing and service industry investments throughout Asia and beyond. With more than 25 years of experience, Tractus has assisted over 1,000 companies to develop and implement their corporate strategies on over US$8 billion of foreign direct investment and trade.

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