End-of-Month April 2021 Financial Highlights

Deal Flow Mergers & Acquisitions Venture Capital Initial Public Offering/Direct Listing Special Purpose Acquisition Company Bankruptcy/Restructuring This Month’s Featured Company: Line Founded in 2011 in Japan as a disaster response app, today Line has over 220 million Monthly Active Users (and more than 700 million registered users) globally. 71% of the total has been dominated… Read More

Happy International Women’s Day!

In honor of International Women’s Day, we thank all of the incredible women driving the success, vision and mission of the Tractus Team. From our Financial Director Mingkwan Chaiyapong, to our women-powered Vietnam office led by Thuy Le and women-powered Administration team led by Julada Thongsupa, to all our women Managers, Consultants, Analysts and Administrators… Read More

Tractus Asia Celebrates its 25 Years in Business!

Join us in celebrating Tractus Asia’s 25 years in business! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank our Co-Founders and Directors John Evans, Dennis Meseroll, and Mingkwan Chaiyapong for their unwavering dedication and support. We thank our clients, partners, and friends for making our 25 years fulfilling and successful.

Tractus is now on WeChat!

Scan our QR code or search up “TractusAsia” on WeChat for news articles, weekly focuses, and event updates from our Tractus Shanghai Team.

Employment Challenges & Solutions During COVID-19

Thailand’s tourism is globally renowned for its hospitality and value. According to the Tourism Authority of Thailand, a record 39.8 million tourists visited the Kingdom in 2019. This generated US$ 93 billion or 18.4% of Thailand’s total US 505 billion GDP as reported by the World Bank. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has hit… Read More
